На Ставрополье стартовал региональный этап Всероссийской олимпиады школьников 2024/25 учебного года
The key idea is that the regional phase of the All-Russian Schoolchildren's Olympiad has begun in Stavropol Krai.
This year's Olympiad involves 24 subjects and features students from grades 7-11, with the first stage focusing on art. Around 452 high school students from Stavropol are competing for a spot in the national finals. The competitions will continue until February 28th.
The key idea is that the regional phase of the All-Russian Schoolchildren's Olympiad has begun in Stavropol Krai. This year's Olympiad involves 24 subjects and features students from grades 7-11, with the first stage focusing on art. Around 452 high school students from Stavropol are competing for a spot in the national finals. The competitions will continue until February 28th.